Celebrating Career and Technical Education Month: Meet Jael

By: Jillian Scannell, VWW Engagement Manager
Vermont Works for Women is celebrating Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month this February by highlighting young women excelling at their local tech center in programs that are non-traditional for their gender. Check out the other features of Aubrianna and Leah.
Jael Francis is a Junior in her first year of the two-year Welding & Metal Fabrication program at North Country Career Center in Newport, Vermont. The program introduces students to various fields in the construction welding trade.
Jael knew welding was a field she wanted to explore, and she had heard the instructor, Benjamin Wells, was an amazing teacher and very understanding. She wanted to take at least one course at the tech center. “I’m a hands-on person and I really enjoy hands-on things like welding” Jael shared.
Jael’s favorite aspects of the program are the experiences she has and the certifications she receives. As students go through the program they can earn industry recognized credentials like OSHA-10 and The American Welding Society D1.1 Structural Steel credential. Students just took their first certification test, and Jael is eagerly awaiting the results.
Not only is Jael learning how to weld, but she also gets to apply her learning by working on personal projects in the classroom. “Something on my dad’s Jeep broke, and I was really proud when I was able to fix it and make it stronger.”
As the only girl in her program, I asked Jael what advice she has for other female students looking to get into career and technical education. “Don’t be scared to try something new, even if it’s a ‘man’s field’, just try it! If you don’t like it then you don’t like it, and if you love it, you’ll be so glad you tried it.” She’s received a lot of support from her male classmates, “It can get a little rowdy, but they’re all very nice and it’s a lot of fun.”
After completing the second year of NCCC’s Welding program and graduating, Jael would like to use her welding skills as a mechanic in the military.