2024 Rosie’s Girls Summer Camp Recap

By: Ada Case and Sarah Raimondi, VWW Youth Programs Coordinators
What a summer – Rosie’s Girls 2024 camps have officially wrapped! This summer we reached over 111 campers in communities across the state.
During each of Rosie’s Girls programs, participants enjoyed a packed, weeklong schedule full of meeting new friends, gaining new skills, and creating unique projects. Campers spent time engaging in fun games and our social-emotional learning Power Skills curriculum along with learning technical skills in each of their specialized programs. Each camp culminated in a gallery walk for friends and family to admire all the amazing projects campers created.
In collaboration with partners, Vermont Works for Women (VWW) ran Rosie’s Girls camps in nine communities this summer, all for free or at very low cost to families: Alburgh, Barre, Brattleboro, Essex Junction, Lyndonville, Rutland, South Burlington, St. Johnsbury, and Swanton!
Thank you to our partners, HatchSpace, The MINT, Umbrella NEK, Grand Isle Supervisory Union, Burlington Technical Center, and Swanton Elementary School for helping us bring Rosie’s Girls to youth around the state.
Rosie’s Girls WELD campers in Barre jumped right into the shop to learn the basics of welding through creating metal roses. Once campers were comfortable using the welder and plasma cutter, they moved onto working on their own projects.
With bandanas secured and plasma cutters in hand, a wave of imagination and innovation took place over the week. Campers created pieces such as a stepstool, a land of dinosaurs, windchimes, a small-scale swing set, and more!
WELD had two CIT’s this year who both came into their roles with previous welding experience and were active role models throughout the week.
Rosie’s Girls BUILD in Essex started off with each camper building their own toolbox and beach chair. Participants gained experience using many tools, including miter saws, jigsaws, drills, and orbital sanders! Campers designed, measured, cut, and sanded individual projects including a tiny doll house, a charcuterie board, a checkers set, and so much more!
BUILD camp was lucky enough this year to welcome three CIT’s who each came to camp with unique experiences as former VWW program participants. Their knowledge and skills helped elevate camper projects and provided useful tips throughout the week.
Camper Feedback
We asked participants to share what they learned at camp:
- I learned about myself that I really enjoy using power tools and being in the shop.
- I learned how to use different tools and that you can’t always judge someone on their looks. I learned that I can do hard things.
- I learned how to use multiple tools that I’ve never used before, I also learned that I can accomplish more than I expect.
- I don’t think I would have been able to get through it without all these amazing people here; I can build amazing things if I set my mind on one thing I really truly want to build.
- That I am good at using power tools, and that I like doing so.
- At Rosie’s Girls I learned how to weld and I learned that if I set my mind to it I can do anything.
- I learned that a lot of people here have a lot in common with me. I learned that I am not alone.
- I learned how to weld and plasma cut and more stuff about gender equality.
- I learned that I could do more than I thought I could.
Many thanks to our partners, instructors, and supporters for making this summer so impactful for our Rosie’s Girls campers!